Be like Kraftwerk!

Ultimately, everything we do in life, it’s all about the #People.
I’m excited already about the new people I will meet today. Anything could happen!
I’m a #Recruiter, an #Entrepreneur, an #Inventor.
I like #Kraftwerk.
I’ve never thought about this, but apart from being the #Urquelle (I love that word) and inspiration of pretty much all electronic music, Kraftwerk also embody qualities I admire, have, or aspire to have.
Off the top of my head:
#Connectivity #Creativity #Teamwork #Drive #Logic #Inventiveness #Daring #SelfBelief #Languages and #Linguistic #Playfullness. A willingness to #Innovate and embrace new #Technology. To #Gameify #Life.
To think outside of the box.
To have #Fun doing something you’re good at. And becoming the best at what you do, that’s just a #Nebenwirkung (I love that word too!).
To #CircuitBend.
To find hashtag#Solutions.
To make things happen.
And I would put money on them having #ADHD #SuperPowers allowing them to #HyperFocus. I’ve no idea, but I bet I’m right.
Long story short: it’s all about the People. #ExecutiveSearch, #InvestmentBanking, #PrivateEquity, #Law, #Consulting, #Humanity and our very #Existence. It’s about the People.
Be #Open, people!
I’m going to meet a #Fund I haven’t worked with before this morning, I’m meeting two partners of the firm. I’ve never met them before. I’m excited. I might like them. They might interest me. I might learn something. Anything could happen.
I’m not going there to sell. I’m going there to meet some new people.
I can’t wait.
David Greaves.