Countdown to the 2024 Paris Olympics… Diary of an Entrepreneur, CEO, Lifestyle Influencer.

4am: My alarm fills me with joy every morning, signalling a new day full of challenges, and more specifically 40 minutes of “me-time”: Focused Meditation to a curated (by me!) playlist of positive, inspiring beats always kickstarts my day of making a difference. To mix things up, today I just ask Alexa to stick some Slayer on.

5am: Seeds for breakfast, washed down with my daily supplements, too many to list here, but which are delivered in plain packages and paid for by Crypto. I keep my exact mix a closely-guarded secret, but I can say that it includes a restricted oil, ethically extracted from an unclassified species of South American snake, used for centuries by un-contacted, indigenous tribeswomen, who, in tune with Mother Earth, are believed to live until they are 365 years old.

5.30am: Time to catch up on emails, and send out some motivational words to my team. This morning I ask them to think about their work as a child thinks about inventing a new colour.

5.45am: I quickly update my socials to let my followers know exactly what I am doing.

4.15pm: A cocktail mail drops from CEO and absentee Dad-Of-Six Jeb, inviting me to a working Drink-and-Think at the Brain Exchange, a new pop-up for CEOs. I’m in the Uber now and will keep you posted on TikTok. Productivity on steroids is how I describe these strictly confidential meet-ups (steroids are so vintage!).


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